Conrad In The Spotlight
Conrad's Legacy Lives on through Conrad Smiles
His life will be remembered in the hearts of many for years to come and his story leaves a legacy that continues. Read more about Conrad’s life and legacy.
CBD Helps Local Teen See ‘Dramatic Reduction’ In Number, Severity Of Seizures
Following more than six years of Liz Tullis advocating on behalf of her son to the Texas Legislature and area medical doctors, 16-year-old Conrad has for the last several weeks been taking prescribed cannabidiol (CBD), giving him relief from debilitating seizures.
Conrad Smiles Unveils New Branding and Website Designed By Robot Creative
Conrad Smiles is happy to announce our new logo and website designed by Robot Creative, who sponsored a portion of the project (the remainder was funded by the Newman Foundation).
New Hope for Children Who Nearly Drown
Though the brain damage can be severe, a recent study shows that areas involved in language, emotion and memory are evidently spared.
Pediatric Brain Injury Studied - Research Suggests Kids Are ‘In There’
After Liz Tullis’ 17-month-old son Conrad suffered a severe brain injury when he nearly drowned in a swimming pool in 2004, doctors advised her to withdraw care or perhaps institutionalize her child.