Be a part of our story. Any amount helps.
In the realm of human experience, where tragedy and triumph intertwine, emerges the poignant tale of “A Boy Named Conrad.”
In this cinematic odyssey, we delve into the depths of adversity to unearth the resilience, determination, and unwavering courage embodied by Conrad - a remarkable individual who defied the odds from the tender age of 16 months. Through Conrad’s journey, we navigate the treacherous terrain of societal norms and perceived notions, only to discover the transformative power of inclusion and the boundless potential that lies within each one of us. As we embark, let us heed the call to open our hearts and minds to the profound lessons of resilience, hope, and inclusion that “A Boy Named Conrad” has to offer.
This is not just about Conrad, but all the other kids that have similar experiences, and the people that work to make positive change happen.
Become a producer of one of San Antonio’s most poignant stories.
$25,000 — Executive Producer Credit
$10,000 — Producer Credit
$5,000 — Associate Producer Credit
$2,500 — Thank You Credit
Please send checks to:
5108 Broadway, Suite 221, San Antonio TX 78209
Documentary Phases
Development & Preproduction
August 1st, 2024
Our team begins pre-production and developmen with Mighty Industries.
October 12th, 2024
Production starts and interviews and b-roll is captured to inform key parts of the story.
April 1st, 2025
After production wraps, we begin the post production and editorial process.
Support “A Boy Named Conrad”
Please consider supporting our upcoming documentary film project.
Any little bit helps as we continue to actively raise money for future phases of the project. All donors will be recognized in the end credits and on as supporters of the film.