Having Fun at CAMP: Children's Association for Maximum Potential
foot painting
Once again the highlight of Conrad’s summer was CAMP. I have sung the praises of Children’s Association for Maximum Potential’s camp program many times. CAMP gives Conrad something that no other part of his care program can give – INDEPENDENCE. We send all kids to camp for them to learn how to survive and thrive away from home. CAMP is integral to our goal of helping Conrad reach his maximum potential. It is building his confidence and independence and most of all he has fun!I cannot do justice in describing the character of the individuals involved. Upon arrival, there are at least 5 people listening to the details of his care regimen. They ask questions and make me feel confident that he is in good hands. The talent of the volunteer medical professionals in and of itself is impressive. Each CAMPer also has a volunteer counselor who is with them at all times. These young men and women have the unique ability to be both mindful of the CAMPers’ special needs and creative in their interactions so that the disabilities actually fade into the background. It makes you feel good about our world that people like this exist. I did not choose this path of special needs and I work every day to rise to the occasion. These individuals not only chose it but are blazing the trail. This year Conrad’s counselor was Shelby and you can tell by the pictures, she made sure Conrad days were filled with fun.CAMP’s mission is to strengthen and inspire individuals with special needs AND those who care for them.CAMP is for siblings too and Garrett loves it. It’s a time to share adventures with his brother. This year they canoed together and Garrett got a big kick when Conrad’s tribe toilet papered his cabin. Moreover, CAMP’s sibling program provides Garrett a time to play with other kids who understand the dynamics of living in a special needs family. It is a time when their siblings special needs ARE NOT the focus. This is their time too. We give special thanks to the Greehey Foundation who sponsored Garrett’s camp.Lastly let me say – I am convinced that all parents need the break. I can truly say it was a worry-free week since I knew they were safe and having a blast.Please visit their website campcamp.org to learn more.This summer we also continued to support the Anoxic Brain research project. Please visit the research page on the website to learn more about the groundbreaking results and next steps. Anoxic Brain Injury ResearchWe hope you enjoyed your summer. Thank you so much for your continued thoughts, prayers and support.Liz