Finishing Out Summer in Style - Research Study Moves to Analysis Phase

There is still half of summer left!  We hope you enjoyed the first part.  Here are a few highlights of ours. 

Thank you for your steadfast interest in and support of Conrad’s recovery.

The research study has officially moved to the analysis phase! If you recall, the study utilizes a special type of brain imaging called resting state functional MRI.  The approach involves comparing the brain images of a non fatal drowning survivor to that of a typically developing child who is the same gender and age. They have successfully scanned 11 “matched” pairs, 2 more than they targeted.  Thank you to the families who volunteered to be a part of this historic study, the FIRST research project to address brain injury in child non fatal drowning cases.  Families brought their survivors from Colorado, New Jersey, Oregon, Utah, Wisconsin and throughout Texas.  And thank you to San Antonio for providing all of their typically developing matches! The research team can now use the images to analyze brain activity to better understand how the injured brain is “working” compared to a child without injury. The next milestone – stay tuned.Hip Hip HoorayConrad had hip surgery a couple of years ago because his hip was dislocated. The fix did not stick and his hip came out again and was a source of extreme discomfort.  We found a doctor in Houston, Dr. Yngve, who is pioneering an established procedure in a new way to address issues with children whose orthopedic issues are neurological in origin.On June 27th , he performed a procedure called SPML (Selective Percutaneous Myofascial Lengthening).  He releases Selective tight bands of tendons called Myofascial, which allows the muscle underneath to stretch and Lengthen using small incisions (Percutaneous) versus large open scalpel cuts.  So it is not very invasive and does not have a long recovery.  You may recall the huge cast from his first surgery.  After this procedure, Conrad only had to put up with some soft casting the first few weeks. Our first priority was to relieve the pain.  However, his hip was limiting his movement.  It is our equal hope that the procedure will help him to move more freely on his own. Conrad sailed through the procedure and we are very pleased with the results so far. camp CAMP (Children’s Association for Maximum Potential)Conrad enjoyed his second summer at camp CAMP, this time with Garrett in tow. This year Matt and I wasted no time. We embarked on our first real vacation together in over 9 years, enjoying a few fun and relaxing days in Guadalajara. Judging from the pictures, the boys did not seem to notice we were gone.Last June I sung the praises of this camp. year I will be sharing our families’ experiences as a speaker at the CAMP fundraising gala on Sept 7th.  Please let me know if you are interested in supporting and/or attending.Happy Birthday ConradConrad turns 11 on July 24th. We celebrate the entire month, so if you are around stop by!


Giving Thanks To What Matters


The First Brain Injury Research Project for Near-Drowning Children - The Study Begins!